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Technology Advances Enabling Sugar Reduction in Food and Beverage Products

How will your business capitalise on sugar reduction technologies to maintain a competitive edge in the ecosystem?

As the demand for healthier, zero-sugar products intensifies, the competitive landscape in the food and beverage (F&B) industry is shifting dramatically. Companies harnessing innovative sugar reduction technologies and securing strategic patents are poised to dominate the industry. Further, collaborations with ingredient manufacturers and advancements in alternative sweeteners are paving the way for new product offerings.

Revealed: New Product Innovations

  • Coca-Cola Company (USA): The company is testing a Diet Coke variant sweetened with stevia and monk fruit at its Minnesota R&D facility.
  • Remedy Drinks (Australia): It has launched Berry Blast Energy and Tropical Twist Energy, 100% plant-based energy drinks sweetened with erythritol.
  • BRAVE Foods Ltd. (UK): This company has introduced Super Hoops, high-protein breakfast cereals made from peas and chickpeas, reducing sugar content by 99% with erythritol.


Strategic Imperatives Driving Sugar Reduction in F&B Products

Disruptive Technologies

Addressing health issues like obesity, diabetes, and metabolic disorders linked to excessive sugar intake requires innovative sugar reduction strategies. Implementing these strategies can help improve public health outcomes by reducing the prevalence of these chronic conditions.

Innovative Business Models

Emerging business models in sugar reduction must be innovative, sustainable, data-driven, and consumer-centric. Subscription models offer consumers regular delivery of personalized sugar-free products, ensuring convenience and consistent engagement.

Competitive Intensity

The competitive landscape in sugar reduction is intensifying due to increased consumer awareness of the health risks associated with excessive sugar consumption. Companies are now racing to develop advanced alternatives that cater to the growing demand for healthier options.

Are you leveraging these strategic imperatives to gain a competitive edge in sugar reduction?

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